2023 *
Our Luxury Vanilla Ice Cream rippled with Black Cherry Sauce and Italian Amaretti biscuits
American Cream Soda.
American Cream Soda Flavoured Luxury Ice Cream
Apple Crumble.
Chunks of Bramley Apples with Crumble Pieces
Apple Pie & Custard
Custard flavoured Ice Cream with Apple Fruit and Oat Crumble Pieces.
Baked Alaska.
Luxury Vanilla with Raspberry Marble & Meringue Pieces
Creamy Banana Flavour Ice Cream with Banana Swirl
Banana Choc Chip.
Creamy Banana flavour with Chocolate Chip Pieces
Banoffi Fudge.
Banana Ice Cream with Fudge pieces and Toffee Sauce
Wafer and Chocolate Ice Cream (Kinder Beuno)
Blackberries & Cream.
Blackberry & Cream Ice Cream
Blackcherry Cheesecake.
Blackberry Cheesecake Ice Cream with Oat Pieces
Blue Heaven.
Luxury Vanilla Ice Cream with Meringue pieces and Bubble Gum Sauce
Blueberry Pie.
Blueberry Fruit in Luxury Ice Cream with Oat biscuit crumble
Bounty Coconut.
Luxury Coconut Ice Cream with chocolate sauce, dessicated coconut and chocolate chunks.
Bubble Gum.
Cool Bright Blue Bubble Gum Flavour Ice Cream
Hazelnut Beuno flavoured Ice Cream
Creamy Butterscotch flavour Ice Cream
Candy Floss.
A Fair Ground favourite
A Coffee and Cream combination for the coffee connoisseur
Caramel Crunch.
Creamy Caramel Ice Cream with Toffee Crunch Pieces
Cherry Bakewell.
Luxury Almond Ice Cream with Black Cherry Fruit Swirl, Almond flakes and Oa Biscuit Crumble.
Cherry Italia.
Luxury Vanilla with Amarena Cherries in Cherry syrup.
Cherry Mania.
Amarena Cherry Luxury Ice Cream with Dark Chocolate Marble.
Choc & Nut.
Luxury Vanilla with Chocolate ripple sauce and nuts
Choc Ripple.
Luxury Vanilla Cream with Choc Ripple
Chocolate - For Chocoholics everywhere …..
Chocolate and creamy banana Ice Cream marbled together.
Crème Egg.
Delicious Crème Eggs are used to flavour this Easter treat with Creme Egg Fondant and chocolate chunks (only available April)
Christmas Pudding.
Luxury fruit mincemeat flavoured Ice Cream with a dash of brandy (only available Dec).
Cinder Toffee.
Luxury Vanilla Ice Cream with chunks of Cinder Toffee
Coconut Ice Cream with dessicated Coconut pieces
Cookies & Cream.
Chocolate Cookies in Luxury Vanilla Ice Cream
Doughnut flavoured ice cream with assorted sugar strands.
Luxury Raspberry and Vanilla marbled Ice Cream
Eaton Mess.
Luxury Vanilla with Meringue & Strawberry Fruit Swirl
Forest Fruit.
Strawberry, Raspberry, Bilberry and Blackberry Fruit combination
Freddibo Star Mix.
Luxury Vanilla Ice Cream with a Raspberry Fruit Ripple and "Haribo" sweets
Fruit & Nut
Luxury Chocolate Ice Cream with Raisins, Hazelnuts & Chocolate chunks.
Fruit Salad.
Like the little sweeties from your childhood, a Pinapple and raspberry combination
Game of Cones.
Toffee Ice Cream, Cookie pieces and White Chocolate chips
Luxury Hazelnut flavoured Ice Cream
Luxury Vanilla Ice Cream with Chocolate Sauce and Chocolate covered Honeycomb
Irn Bru.
Irn Bru Ice Cream
Jammie Dodger.
Luxury Vanilla Ice Cream with Raspberry Ripple and Oat Biscuits
Key Lime Pie
Lime Fruit flavoured Ice Cream with Oat Pieces
Kurly Wurly.
Luxury Toffee Ice Cream with chocolate Sauce, Choc Chips and Fudge Pieces
Lemon Cheesecake.
Lemon Ice Cream with Oat Crunch Pieces
Lemon Curd.
Tangy Lemon Curd Ice Cream
Lemon Meringue.
Tongue Twisting Tangy Lemon Ice Cream with Meringue Pieces
Liquorice luxury Ice Cream.
Liquorice and Black.
Liquorice Luxury Ice Cream with Blackcurrant Ripple
Lotus Biscoff
Luxury Lotus Ice Cream with Biscoff pieces and Biscoff swirl & crumble
Mango Fruit Flavour Luxury Ice Cream with Mango Ripple
Luxury Vanilla Ice Cream with Raspberry Sauce and Mini Marshmallows
Mint Choc Chip.
Award winning Mint Ice Cream with Chocolate Pieces
Mini Egg
(only Available April)
Luxury Vanilla Ice Cream with Mini Eggs and Creme Egg sauce.
Mocha Choca.
Luxury Chocolate and Coffee Ice Cream
Luxury Vanilla Ice Cream with hazelnut marbling.
Orange Chocolate Chip.
Orange Flavoured Luxury Ice Cream with Chocolate Chips
Orange Tiger.
Luxury Vanilla Ice Cream rippled with Orange sauce and Chocolate pieces
Palma Violet.
Palma violet flavoured Ice Cream
Luxury Peach flavoured Ice Cream
Passion fruit.
Passion Fruit flavoured Ice Cream
Peanut Butter Swirl
Luxury Vanilla with Peanut Butter marbling.
Pear Drop.
Pear Drop flavoured Ice Cream
Pralines & Cream
Luxury Vanilla with caramel sauce and praline nuts.
Real Pistachio Nut flavoured Ice Cream
Luxury Vanilla Ice Cream with Lime Ripple and Rainbow Drops
Luxury Raspberry flavoured Ice Cream
Raspberry Pavlova.
Raspberry Ice Cream with Meringue Pieces
Raspberry Ripple.
Luxury Vanilla Ice Cream rippled with our Specially Blended Raspberry Sauce
Rhubarb Crumble.
Luxury Rhubarb Ice Cream with Oat Crumble
Chocolate & Nut ice cream (Ferrerro Rocher style)
Rum & Raisin.
Rum Flavour Luxury Ice Cream with Juicy Californian Raisins
Salted Caramel.
Salted Caramel flavoured Ice Cream
Mixed Fruit.
"Sshh..." we carn't tell you that this was once called Vimmto style!
Childhood favourite a sweet sensation
Choclate and Nut luxury Ice Cream with Caramel sauce
Luxury Vanilla Ice Cream Rippled with Layers of Chocolate
Strawberry & Cream
Real Fruit Strawberry Ice Cream.
Swirl (Nutella).
Luxury Vanilla Ice Cream with hazelnut marbling.
Toffee Apple.
Apple flavoured Ice Cream with Toffee pieces (only available Nov)
Toffee Fudge.
Creamy Toffee Ice Cream with Chunky Fudge Pieces
Toffee Ripple Crunch.
Luxury Vanilla Ice Cream with Sticky Toffee Sauce and Toffee Crunch Pieces
Treacle Toffee.
Treacle Toffee Luxury Ice Cream (only available Nov)
Turkish Delight.
Full of Eastern Promise
Tutti Frutti.
A Real Fruit Combination
Pink Bubble Gum Luxury Ice Cream with Bubble Gum Sauce, Unicorn Sugar Strands and Sherbet.
Vanilla Luxury.
The Traditional Classic
White Chocolate Chunk.
Luxury Vanilla Ice Cream with White Chocolate Drops
* All contain some traces of nuts other contain nuts where described.
** You must always make the server aware and on your booking form and indicate your guests allergies.
***Upon booking always state on your booking form guests who may have allergies. Anyone being served must make the server aware of any allergies.

Flavoured Sorbets - Fat Free & Diary Free 2025
Forest Fruit
Vegan/Dairy Free Flavours for 2022
Oreo Cookie
Soya based Ice Cream with Oreo Cookie.
Vanilla Pod
Soya based Vanilla Ice Cream.
Soya based Strawberry Ice Cream.
Chocolate Ripple
Vegan Vanilla Ice Cream with a Chocolate Swirl
Vegan Toffee Ice Cream with Cinder Toffee Pieces
Vegan Lotus Biscoff Ice Cream with Biscoff Paste & Swirl
Mint Choc Chip
Began Mint Chocolate Ice Cream with Dark Chocolate Pieces
What is Kulfi?
Kulfi is the South Asian version of Ice Cream. The unique flavour comes from the boiling process, the reaction between the milk sugars and milk proteins cause it to become caramalised. Thus flavours the milk and reduces to a fudgey like texture, it is enhanced with fruits, nuts* and flavourings then frozen. It is usually served in handy tubs.
* May contain nuts and always check or make the server away of any allergies guests may have it is your responsibility to do so and also state on your booking form.
Flavours 2022
Traditionally Kulfi is not served with any toppings only in tubs
To discuss your event requirements please contact:-
Graham and Lisa Thewlis-Hardy
TEL:- 0795 428 6770
Email:- graham@a-taste-of-italy.biz